- Choose source image
- Choose textures
- File Folders – Stay Organized!
- Create New File > Save
- Add background image
- Add Mesh (Shift A)
- Go to Edit Mode and start modeling
- Mark Seams
- Unwrap
- Add Material
- Add Texture
- Check Render
- Add Light
- Can edit texture in Gimp/Photoshop or
- Can Texture Paint or
- Can use premade textures (seamless and otherwise)
- Bake Image File if necessary
- Save Image File
- Export Object
- Upload to opensim
Step by Step Tophat
Choose Inspiration Image
Find seamless textures (no larger than 512×512 should be plenty)
Put it all together in a folder
Open New File
File Save As (name and save it)
Shift C (Center View)
Num 1 (Front View)
Num 5 (Ortho)
Optional: Add a background image
N to open properties
Check Background Image Box
Open image from folder
Resize and put to the side
Model the Hat
Delete Cube (Click, X, Vertices)
Add Cylinder (Shift A, Cylinder)
Scale on the Z axis to make it tall. (SZ)
Tab to Edit Mode
Turn off “limit to visible” (aka Depth or Occlude)
Box select bottom row (B)
Extrude down on the Z axis (EZ, Enter)
(may have to hit Z twice)
Scale out (S)
Extrude again to make the narrow part of the brim
(E Z, Enter)
Always center yourself after you move around
Shift C to Center
Num 1 for front view
Extrude again and scale in to make the headhole
Must be narrower than the top of the hat
(EZ, S)
Make the lining of the hat
EZ drag lining up into the hat
Add Material
Select All
Go to Material Tab
Add Material Color – Your choice
Assign material to selection (test with select/deselect)
Make the hat band & give it it’s own Material Color
Add another loop (Control R)
Change to Face selection (3rd cube of the bottom 3)
Select the loop (alt click)
Go to Material button in Properties window
Click + for new slot, click New, Choose a different color
Assign material to selection (Assign button. Test with select/deselect)
Tweak the brim to suit your taste
Use proportional editing
Mark Seams
Alt click to select edge loops
Control E to Mark Seams
(top, brim, headhole)
Drag out UV Editor Window
T to close the toolshelf
In Modeling window
Select All
Choose U to unwrap – (Experiment with Unwrap, Smart UV Project, Cylinder)
Four ways to add color & texture
1. Texture Paint with color (will learn more from Ruby)
2. Export UV to Gimp/Photoshop (Export UV Layout)
3. Texture Paint with photo (advanced)
4. Cycles Render
Optional Method If baking multiple Textures to One:
Add Canvas image to bake to in UV/Image window
Go to Object mode
Shift A, Add Lamp – Hemi
Select hat
Go to Render (Camera) tab
Change Samples – Render to 300
Scroll down to Bake
Make Margin 2px
Export hat
Save Image
Upload Both